»Research Interests Theory of oil and gas flow through porous media, Theory of chemical flooding development, Theory of heavy oil thermal recovery, Theory of water flooding in high water-cut stage »Courses Offered Mechanics of flow through porous media, Steam injection thermal recovery, Petroleum reservoir numerical simulation, An introduction to the petroleum engineering »Research Projects 1. ��LBM-DEM simulation study on microscopic flow of the suspensions of Preformed Particle Gel��--- The national natural science fund projects 2. ��The research about stable characters and flow mechanism of foam combined flooding system in porous media��--- The national natural science fund projects 3. ��The experimental and simulation study about microscopic flow of non-Newtonian fluid in porous media��--- The national natural science fund projects 4. ��The research about polymer flooding microscopic flow mechanism and critical parameters of residual oil startup��--- The national natural science fund for young scholar projects 5. ��The research of chemical flooding warning techniques and petroleum engineering��--- The national key projects 6. ��The mode and optimization study of EOR for offshore oil fields��--- The national key projects 7. ��The research about evaluation methods of chemical flooding ��--- The national key projects 8. ��The evaluation about enhanced oil recovery potential in offshore oil fields and the research about optimization of oil field development��--- The national key projects
»Paper and Publications 1.��Estimation of the Walter-Oil Relative Permeability Curve from Radial Displacement Experiments. Part 1: Numerical Inversion Method���� Energy & Fuels, (2012) 26(7):4291�C4299�� 2.��Estimation of the Water-Oil Relative Permeability Curve from Radial Displacement Experiments. Part 2: Reasonable Experimental Parameters����Energy & Fuels, (2012) 26(7):4300�C4309�� 3.��Quantitative prediction model for the water-oil relative permeability curve and its application in reservoir numerical simulation. Part 1: modeling���� Energy & Fuels, (2011) 25(10):4405�C4413�� 4.��Quantitative prediction model for the water-oil relative permeability curve and its application in reservoir numerical simulation. Part 2: application���� Energy & Fuels, (2011) 25(10):4414�C4422�� 5.��Understanding the capillary behavior using the extended reduced similar geometry method���� Chemical Engineering Science, (2015) 123(1):420�C428�� 6.��Operation parameter optimization of a gas hydrate reservoir developed by cyclic hot water stimulation with a separated-zone horizontal well based on particle swarm algorithm���� Energy, (2016) 96:581�C591�� 7.��Hybrid optimization technique for cyclic steam stimulation by horizontal wells in heavy oil reservoir���� Computers & Chemical Engineering, (2016) 84:363�C370�� 8.��Optimal control of polymer flooding based on simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation method guided by finite difference gradient���� Computers & Chemical Engineering, (2013) 55:40�C49��