»Name: Jiexiang Wang | 
»Academic title: Professor |
»Department: Department of Production Engineering |
»Subjects: Oil Field Development Engineering Subject,Oil and Gas Engineering Field,Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering Subject |
»Email: jiexiangwang@upc.edu.cn |
»Phone: |
»Homepage: |
»Research Interests Production engineering theory and technology, EOR theory and technology »Courses Offered Production engineering, well stimulation, production technology »Research Projects Nitrogen injection and its evaluation Effects of nitrogen foam injection on edge and bottom water and its optimization CO2 injection effect evaluation in Yaoxi block Experimental study of foam drive in Wuliwan 6 reservoir Air drive tests in Jiyuan oilfield Prevention of gas hydrate in deep and low pressure condensate gas well.
»Paper and Publications Paper 7 academic papers have been published in various journals in recent five years.Awards Second prize of Shanxi science and technology achievement for the projct of "Vibration and chemical combination EOR technology" Third prize by China Petrochemcial Association for the project of "Development and application of thermally stable and salt resistant filtration control agent SSPA" First prize of Shandong safe production achievement for the project of "Monitoring and control system in Huangdao petrochemical area" First prize of Shandong safe production achievement for the project of "Safe air injection and cotrol technology"