»Name: Weidong Zhang | 
»Academic title: Professor |
»Department: Department of Drilling Engineering |
»Subjects: Drilling Engineering Subject,Oil and Gas Engineering Field |
»Email: wdzhang@upc.edu.cn |
»Phone: 13854661256,0532-86981150���Ƶ��죩 |
»Homepage: |
»Research Interests Rock mechanics, gas hydrate , and coal bed methane »Courses Offered Introduction to petroleum engineering, rock mechanics, drilling-related geological description, offshore drilling engineering »Research Projects "Formation of fracures by hydraulic fracturing in consolidated sandstone and its mechanism" "The study of CO2 sequestration and migration through interconnected water zone" "Study of mechnism of fracturing and in-situ stress in unconsolidated sand formation�� "Completion design in reservoirs with complicated fault" »Paper and Publications Awards Provinciall Innovation Award: 6 University level awards: 6Paper 50 papers have been published in various journals. Patents 5 patents are awarded.