»Name: Yingsong Lin | 
»Academic title: Professor |
»Department: Department of Drilling Engineering |
»Subjects: |
»Email: linyingsong@upc.edu.cn |
»Phone: �칫��86961915���ֻ�13791991572 |
»Homepage: |
»Research Interests Drilling engineering and rock mechanics »Courses Offered Drilling Theory and Technology, rock mechanics, Introduction to petroleum engineering, comprehensive design of petroleum engineering »Research Projects "Wax control in deep water completion testing"--- "863" branch project "EOR by explosion in hydraulically fractured formations"---SINOPEC key project "Evaluation while drillng on rock mechanic parameters and wellbore stability"---"863" branch project "Experimental study of effects of micro-structure on elastic wave velocity"----National nature fund "The Study of relastionship betweem tectonic stress and formation of gas reservoir"---"973" branch project "Dynatic fracturing technique for low permeability wells"---"863" branch project
»Paper and Publications Paper 40 papers have been published in various journalsAwards Third prize of Shandong Science and Technology Advancement for the project of "Establishment of formation in-situ stress profile" Frist prize of CNPC information for the project of "Current status and development of in-situ stress measurement" Frist prize of Shandong teaching achievement for the project of "Study of improving student��s engineering ability"