China University of Petroleum
Our Teachers Participated in the Fifth International Geothermal Conference
announcer:赵小明       Release time:2016-03-16       Views:20

The Fifth International Geothermal Conference was held on March 15 in Beijing, which is hosted by the Geology University of China. 200 participants from different universities, including the University of Stanford, attended the conference. Junrong Liu and Zhixue Sun, the associate professor of our school, and some postgraduates were present at the meeting. Zhixue Sun delivered a presentation entitled “The Mathematic Modelling of Enhanced Geothermal System and Its Numerical Simulation”, which draw much attention from the participants.

The conference focuses on the geothermal exploration and development, geothemal utilization, electrity generation with geothermal energy, enhance gerothemal system, etc. The participants had an etensive discussion around the above topics.

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