Title: Simulation Study and Field Performance Analysis of the Prudhoe Bay Up-dip Zone 4 Miscible Gas Injection EOR Process
Given by: Dr. Samson X. Ning
Time:14:30-16:00, April 28
Room No.: B347
Introduction of the speaker:
Samson Ning is a senior reservoir engineer with BP explorations (Alaska). He has been working on Enhanced Oil Recovery methods in Alaska for 18 years. His areas of expertise include EOR, Pressure Transient Analysis, and Reservoir Simulation. He received his BS degree from China University of Petroleum, and MS and PhD degrees in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University. He is a Registered Professional Petroleum Engineer in the State of Alaska.
Dr. Ning has been an Adjunct Professor at University of Alaska, Fairbanks since 1996. He has published over 20 technical papers and received numerous technical awards. He has been a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers since 1988 and was elected as the SPE Engineer of the Year in 2004.