»Research Interests Drilling engineering, coal mining engineering, water jet theory and application
»Courses Offered Water jet theory and applicaiton, drilling engineering »Research Projects 10 reserach state and ministry funded projects have been completed in recent five years »Paper and Publications Paper 23 papers have been published in various journals, which includes: 1.ROP increased by using water jet to change bottomhole flow field, UPC journal,2012.122. Swirling Jet From Nozzle with Tangential Inlets and its Characteristics in Rock-breaking,Petroluem Science,2012.33. Experiments on negative pulse jetting assisted drilling,8thPRIC-WJT, Qingdao, 2006.104. Water jet technology in petroleum engineering,8thPRIC-WJT, Qingdao, 2006.105. Rock drilling with abrasive suspension swirling jet and effects of additive polyacrylamide,Proc. of WJTA Conf., Houston,Texas,2008.8 Awards Second prrize of National science and technology progress for the project of Self-resonate cavitation jet technology" Third prize of Shandong nature fund for the project of "Rotary water jet technique used in drilling" 5 time of winning awards by China University of PetroleumPatents 2 patents are awarded.