China University of Petroleum
"High-Quality Development in Progress" The College is Focusing on The "Three-In-One" Transformation and Upgrading
announcer:赵小明       Release time:2024-03-22       Views:12

    In the 2024 Government Work Report, it was emphasized to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productivity. The core element in nurturing and developing new quality productivity lies in innovation, with education serving as the foundation and guide. Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the college has been implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, focusing on the national demand for a new energy system, seizing new opportunities in energy transformation, and promoting institutional innovation through the coordinated advancement of education, science and technology, and talent. The college continues to optimize its program offerings, build a new era talent training system, strengthen forward-looking and strategic scientific research layouts, accelerate the implementation of the talent-strong institution strategy, and excel in developing a new generation of interdisciplinary innovative talents to serve the country's major development strategies and economic and social development needs.

Training New People to Foster New Quality Productivity Potential

    The first element in developing new quality productivity is a higher-quality workforce. Therefore, the college focuses on national industrial demands, optimizes and adjusts program offerings, emphasizes cultivating innovative thinking and comprehensive literacy, promotes the integration of industry, academia, and research, accelerates the establishment of a comprehensive ideological and political work pattern, and aims to produce a group of modern individuals capable of creating new quality productivity, empowering the development of new quality productivity in the energy sector. said Professor Qi Ning, Vice Dean.

    In recent years, the college has targeted the needs of digital technology and green low-carbon transformation by launching the Oil and Gas + Artificial Intelligence experimental class and the Intelligent Oil and Gas Engineering micro-major. It has also been granted the national strategic emerging program Carbon Storage Science and Engineering and completed its first enrollment. The Petroleum Engineering + Engineering Management dual bachelor's degree compound talent training program, as the first of its kind in our university and the only one of its kind in the province this year, has been officially approved. Nationally renowned majors in Petroleum Engineering and Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering have passed high-quality engineering education certification. The college's educational resources are continuously expanding, with the addition of new internship bases in emerging fields such as iFlytek. The implementation of the Practice Teaching Western Plan has added three new western internship bases in Changqing, Southwest, and Xinjiang.

The Oil and Gas + Artificial Intelligence experimental class visited the iFLYTEK practice base

    Professor Yao Chuanjin, the head of the Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, emphasized that the Oil and Gas + Artificial Intelligence experimental class and the Intelligent Oil and Gas Engineering micro-degree program are beneficial explorations for the new round of scientific and technological revolution and deep industrial transformation. The goal is to cultivate composite high-quality talents in the field of oil and gas + artificial intelligence, serving as a new engine to drive the intelligence of the oil and gas industry and accelerate the formation of new productive forces.

The Carbon Storage Science and Engineering Professional Construction Working Group conducted research at Shengli Oilfield

    Professor Jia Han, the head of the Department of Carbon Storage Science and Engineering, mentioned that the Carbon Storage Science and Engineering major is a national strategic emerging specialty aimed at cultivating high-quality talents in short supply for the country's dual carbon strategy, serving as a talent experimental field for developing new productive forces. The college attaches great importance to professional development, strengthens policy guarantees, increases financial investment, and builds a collaborative education system involving multiple parties. The first batch of Carbon Storage major students have shown positive class atmosphere, strong academic performance, and high motivation, with a class excellence rate exceeding 75%, ranking first in the school in the Advanced Mathematics exam, and performing excellently in various academic and sports events.

Boosting New Productive Forces with Strong Technology

    Technological innovation drives new industries, new models, and new dynamics, serving as a core element in developing new productive forces. In recent years, the college has targeted the forefront of world energy technology, focused on key energy areas and major demands, accelerated the layout of a batch of strategic emerging research directions, and advanced research and development in key core technologies and forward-looking, strategic technologies such as deep and ultra-deep layers, green intelligent development of oil fields, energy storage, hydrogen energy, CCUS, etc. This effort aims to speed up scientific research breakthroughs and technology transfer, supporting related industries in accelerating the formation of efficient productive forces.

    Professor Yang Yongfei is engaged in research in digital core experiments and nanoscale flow simulation. He has led projects under the National Key Research and Development Program, the Regional Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and underground hydrogen-related projects funded by the Qingdao Natural Science Foundation. He believes that the hydrogen energy industry is considered an important part of the future national energy system and a typical representative of new productive forces. In recent years, Qingdao has taken the lead in laying out a batch of hydrogen energy industries with the aim of creating an Eastern Hydrogen Island. To serve the national energy strategy and regional industrial development, they fully utilize underground storage spaces such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, underground salt caverns, and saline aquifers. Through pore-scale flow simulation and molecular simulation methods, they explore the occurrence and transport mechanisms of hydrogen gas in underground porous media. The goal is to provide necessary insights for large-scale underground hydrogen storage, reduce the cost of the hydrogen energy industry chain, and accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

Professor Yang Yongfei is guiding graduate students in conducting scientific research

    Professor Liu Yongwang mainly focuses on research in improving drilling speed and wellbore trajectory control precision in deep oil and gas drilling. He has led and participated in projects such as the Research on Key Technologies and Equipment for Drilling and Completion of 10,000-meter Ultra-deep Oil and Gas Resources. He emphasizes that deep and ultra-deep layers have become the main battleground for oil and gas resources in China, and accelerating the development of deep oil and gas is an inevitable choice to ensure national energy security. His research aims to enhance rock-breaking efficiency by weakening the drilling resistance of formations. By establishing theories and methods, developing technical equipment, and applying supporting technologies, they strive to solve the challenges of slow drilling speed, difficulty in accelerating, and high energy consumption caused by insufficient energy at the bottom of deep and ultra-deep oil and gas drilling. The related achievements have been applied and transformed in multiple oil fields including the Tarim Oilfield, promoting the advancement of deep oil and gas drilling speed technology towards high-end, intelligent, and green practices, achieving the iterative upgrade of traditional technologies.

Professor Liu Yongwang is on site at the Deep Tower Science Well 1

    Professor Zhang Liming, as a Shandong Provincial Young Taishan Scholar and a member of the Ministry of Education's Ideological and Political Education Teaching Team, has long been engaged in research on intelligent oil and gas field development. She points out that the global oil and gas industry is rapidly moving towards intelligence, and the application of artificial intelligence technology in the oil and gas industry helps improve operational efficiency, reduce safety risks, and decrease carbon emissions. Her team combines artificial intelligence and oil field development theories and methods to focus on solving challenges such as intelligent optimization of oil field development plans and big data analysis of intelligent wellbores. The achievements have been applied in 12 oil and gas fields at home and abroad, yielding significant economic benefits. In the future, they will target comprehensive perception, automatic control, trend prediction, and optimized decision-making in intelligent oil fields, expanding research in intelligent wellfield monitoring, oilfield digital twins, cloud computing software platforms, and empowering the development of new productive forces in the energy sector.

Professor Zhang Liming is guiding graduate students at the oilfield site

    Professor Zhang's research on oil and gas material genetic engineering is at the forefront of the oil and gas material field, accelerating the research and development of oil and gas materials by drawing on the research concepts and methods of the human genome project. His team is dedicated to developing multi-scale simulation methods, exploring the microscopic mechanisms of various oil and gas materials, and combining big data technology to precisely design high-performance oil and gas materials. This research has been successfully applied in natural gas hydrate development, wellbore flow assurance, and other drilling fluid research, breaking through the bottlenecks of long design cycles, high costs, and low efficiency in oil and gas material design. It has achieved a deep integration and collaborative innovation of theoretical calculation - efficient experiment - big data technology, helping to accelerate the research and engineering application of new oil and gas materials and injecting new vitality into the development of new quality productivity.

Professor Zhong Jie's team is conducting scientific research work

With gathering talents to inject vitality into the development of new quality productivity

    Talents are the most active and decisive factor in the development of new quality productivity. In recent years, the college has implemented the strengthening the institution with talents strategy, clarifying action plans and implementation paths, strengthening introduction from outside and cultivation from inside, optimizing talent layout, focusing on introducing scarce talents in strategic emerging fields, igniting the talent engine to promote the development of new quality productivity.

    Firstly, focusing on the precise introduction of talents to meet national strategic needs. Broadening the scope and channels of talent introduction in strategic emerging fields, implementing a flexible talent introduction mechanism of introducing talents + introducing wisdom, organizing overseas talent introduction teams, establishing overseas talent introduction workstations, appointing part-time overseas talent introduction staff, and building an overseas talent reserve pool. Secondly, focusing on the growth needs of young talents to implement team nurturing of talents. Implementing the support plan for outstanding young academic talents, creating the excellent young talent nurturing project, promoting the listing and appointing system to assist the growth of young teachers, and constructing a full-chain model for nurturing young talents.

    As an outstanding young talent introduced from overseas by the college in 2023, Zhang Wei is deeply impressed by the college's proactive communication and active support. He mentioned that during the talent project application process, the college provided a lot of assistance in preparing application materials and defense materials, and supported related policies in research funding, graduate admissions, and condition guarantees, providing strong support for smoothly integrating into the discipline team. In the future, he will focus on research in unconventional oil and gas development and carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery and storage, striving to make new breakthroughs in the key technologies of simulation and optimization in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs and carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery and storage, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the petrochemical energy industry, and helping to achieve the dual carbon goals.

Zhang Wei is guiding graduate students in conducting scientific research work

     Professor Bai Yingrui was selected for the college's Outstanding Young Talent Nurturing Project in 2022 and was further recognized as a national-level young talent in 2023. He emphasized that the college places high importance on the growth and development of young talents, providing comprehensive support policies in areas such as doctoral enrollment quotas, talent title recommendations, allocation of supervising teachers, discipline funding, and laboratory facilities to assist young teachers in their rapid development. In the future, he plans to focus on in-depth research on the chemical foundation theories and technologies of deep and ultra-deep oil and gas drilling, striving to make new advances in key areas such as efficient prevention and control of blowouts in high-pressure wells and comprehensive reservoir protection. This research aims to support the efficient development of deep and ultra-deep oil and gas resources in China, safeguarding the country's energy security.

Professor Bai Yingrui is conducting scientific research work

    Amid crises lie opportunities, and new beginnings emerge from changes. Faced with the new situation in national energy development and the new requirements for high-quality education, the School of Petroleum Engineering will adhere to the national energy security as the primary focus, actively respond to the new trends in energy transition, optimize top-level design, deepen institutional reforms, enhance internal governance, and focus on overcoming obstacles that hinder reform and development. The goal is to cultivate top talents, produce outstanding results, and forge an excellent team to develop new quality productivity in the energy sector.

Copyright©:School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum